by attorney 意味
- 代人で、代人を立てて
- attorney attorney n. 代理人; 《米》 検事; 《米》 弁護士. 【動詞+】 appoint an attorney 代理人を任命する
- attorney attorney n. 代理人; 《米》 検事; 《米》 弁護士. 【動詞+】 appoint an attorney 代理人を任命する appoint sb one's attorney 人を自分の代理人に立てる The court may appoint an attorney to represent the child. 法廷は子供の代理を務め
- adoption attorney 養子縁組代理人{ようし えんぐみ だいりにん}
- advisory attorney 諮問官{しもん かん}
- associate attorney 副代理人{ふく だいり にん}
- attorney at general 検事総長{けんじ そうちょう}
- attorney at law 弁護士{べんごし}
- attorney consultation 弁護士{べんごし}との相談{そうだん}
- attorney docket 代理人明細書{だいりにん めいさいしょ}
- attorney docket no. 代理人整理番号{だいりにん せいり ばんごう}
- attorney fee 弁護士料{べんごし りょう}
- attorney for the convict 服役囚{ふくえき しゅう}の弁護士{べんごし}
- attorney for the defense 被告側{ひこく がわ}の弁護士{べんごし}
- attorney for the plaintiff 原告側弁護士{げんこく がわ べんごし}
- attorney general attorney general 検事総長 けんじそうちょう
- the couple were being represented by attorney laurel lance of cnri in a lawsuit against financier edward rasmus .
2人だと説明しています CNRIの弁護士ローレル・ランスによって 資本家エドワード・ラスマス に対する訴訟中に - the couple were being represented by attorney laurel lance of cnri in a lawsuit against financier edward rasmus .
2人だと説明しています cnriの弁護士ローレル・ランスによって 資本家エドワード・ラスマス に対する訴訟中に - by attorney general itaru matsumuro , deputy chief prosecutor of daishin-in kiichiro hiranuma , and chief public prosecutor of kobe district court attorney ' s office matsukichi koyama , the case was made up and trials and executions were carried out at an unprecedented speed .